Saturday, January 21, 2012

♥ - One step at a time - ♥


One step at a time is the best way to go...
When going through life 
And travelling in 
The direction of 
Your dreams,
The best way 
To get ahead 
Is the simplest way: 
Take one step at a time.
Don't look over 
Your shoulder; 
If you do, 
You'll feel 
The weight
Of all your 
Upon you. 
And don't worry
About what lies ahead.
By the time you get 
To the bend in the road 
Or the crest of the hill,
You're going to be better
And stronger than
You ever were before.
Just go one step at a time, 
One day at a time.
And you'll find
A rich, thankful life 
You never thought 
You could afford.

~ Author Unknown ~