Monday, October 3, 2011

♥ - I PROCLAIM... - ♥

I proclaim that today is a perfect day to claim
Custody of my life; to realize that it’s choice,
Not chance that creates fate in life.

I proclaim victory over the circumstances
That have presented themselves in my life
And I will look for a way through,
Under, around or over the mountains
That seem to stand in my way.

I proclaim that this day and every day
Is a blank page - a new chance to accept
What I need to and change what I can.

I proclaim that it is never too late to start over;
To call for a re-do. I can learn the lesson,
Then forgive and forget.

I proclaim that I will own my own power…
Even when it seems hopeless and there is no light
At the end of the tunnel.

I proclaim that I am perfect in my imperfection;
I will strive to quiet my mind
And forgive myself for falling short.

I proclaim that when I am frustrated,
Unfulfilled, distracted or negative
I will become a Master of Change
And select another emotional state. I choose to grow!

I proclaim that when I get to the end of my rope
I will tie a knot and hang on. I realize
If I want the rainbow, I have to put up with the rain.