Monday, September 19, 2011

♥ - “The present is where it’s at.” - ♥

Are you wishing your life away?

by Jane Powell

How much of your life do you spend living in the present?
Research shows that it’s very little. We spend a lot of time ruminating about the past, or speculating about the future. To make things worse, much of this “non-present” thinking is negative. We think about the things we might have done, or we think about future dramas that may, in reality, never occur. Or we might just simply wish it was Friday, and effectively wish a significant portion of our lives away.
The secret to real peace and happiness is to live in the present – to focus on the “Now.”

Relax and enjoy the ride. 

Sometimes you can control where you're going, other times you get swept along by forces beyond your control. Yet you can always control how you think and feel and respond. You can always control what you carry with you as you move on ahead.
Resist the urge to fight against events, or to become completely absorbed by them. Instead, find a way to make positive and productive use of them. There is so much more to be gained when you focus on moving forward than when you become consumed by looking backward. Rather than getting hung up on how you got here, become enthusiastic about where you can go from here.

The way will sometimes be slow and bumpy, and other times it will be smooth and easy. In all cases it will be filled with opportunities for joy, meaning and true fulfillment.

As each moment of life arrives with its unique and never-before-tasted flavor, smile and let it be. Then proceed to make it a masterpiece.

Just do...
There is no need to try. Just do.

Feel what you feel without judgment or regret. Those feelings connect you with the power of your authentic purpose.
Use your head wisely to follow your heart faithfully. There’s much that you can think, and yet even more that you can know.
Let the experience of each moment come, and then let it go. Rest assured that the goodness will stay with you always, because you love it so.
Be now in spirit where you would most like to be. Imagine waves of pure joy as they carry you along.
Somewhere within you, all is well, no matter when, no matter what. Feel the peace of knowing the beauty of who you truly are.

Ralph Marston