You can accomplish great things, yet you must always do it
One moment at a time. Today is filled with a wealth of those
One moment at a time. Today is filled with a wealth of those
Great value is created steadily and diligently, one moment
At a time. Live with respect and appreciation for each small
Moment, and that value will be yours.
If you fill a moment with resentment, nothing of value will
Come of it. If you hurry through the moment, anxious about
What is next, you'll leave behind the opportunity you could
Have had to make a difference.
You can easily stay focused, you can easily persist, and you
Can easily stay positive for just one small moment. And when
That beautiful, effective moment is over, you'll be ready
And willing to do it all again.
In the confines of a single moment, what possible place
Could there be for worry or despair? After all, it's just a
Moment, it's yours to use, and while you have it you can
Take a few positive steps forward.
Pour the fullness of your love and positive purpose into
Each little moment. By calmly and positively living a moment
At a time, you'll bring your true greatness to life.
Ralph Marston