ღ - .“ That Which You Call A Rose.. - ღ
“ That which you call a rose, by any other name is still a rose.” - William Shakespeare
We face many challenges that define our strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the individual to hone the strengths within. Many do not recognize their strengths until adversity strikes. But, it is the struggle within to strive beyond the breaking point that makes us stronger. It is the getting there that is the hardest to face. It is only out of the shear willingness to move forward past the failure, past the comfort or in most cases the discomfort in our lives, that revelation of our inner capabilities are reviled. It is hard to invoke any kind of change be it one is self assured or still finding out where in life they want to be.

I believe it is equal for both. Just for the simple fact that change is difficult. Sometimes we are afraid of change. Change is the difference of the unknown repercussions and the comfort of known expectation. To what do we attribute this willingness to thrive? We are a blank slate waiting to be written on, conforming to the environment in which we were born into. We are helpless, in need of love and acceptance to make us thrive.

If not, how do we find this karma, energy, this inner strength? Where does it come from? Who is deserving? Why is it so important to find out? To often than not we don't give ourselves credit that we deserve. Psychologists tell us it all stems from our childhood. The fordable years where we learn self concept by what others tell us about ourselves, our family and where we come from. As we get older it is the social norms and social systems that define our place in life. Defining what is expected, how far we can achieve , thus telling us who we are before we even know ourselves.