Friday, May 20, 2011

♥ - Prayer for the Children - ♥

Children are a heritage
sent from our Heavenly Father above
to bless us with His fruitfulness
as He gives us offspring to love.

All through live there will be times
of sorrow and despair
hurts, sickness, pain, and woe,
sometimes may seem more than we can bear.

We've been entrusted with these little ones
to help them grow in God's grace
to lead them to the light of God
that their sins, He may erase.

They'll always be our children
no matter how old they may grow
they'll always be a joy in our life
touching our very heart and soul.

When our children hurt, so do we
it touches the depths of our heart
we want to take all their pain away
we want to see tears or sorrow depart.

Prayers for our children are heard by God
as they ascend to His throne room above
He answers in His time and way,
because of His great and marvelous love.

No matter what time may bring
we can trust in the Savior's help
even if our hearts may cry instead of sing
Jesus is touched by our feelings, for He too wept.

We must keep praying for those we love
may God's healing virtue make them whole
may they be kept by the Master above
until the day of redemption, of spirit, body, and soul.

Lord, we entrust to You
each child you have given us in love
please keep them safe within your tender care
until the day You call all the redeemed home.

Jo Ann Kelly