Tuesday, April 17, 2012

~ My Path Is In Him ~

My Path Is  In Him
 I   Face   the   path   of   my   faith.
This  is the  way   I"ve    come,
The  Journey   my   soul   has  taken.
To   bring   me   where  i am  today
recall     the   people   I've    met   on   this  path -
Teachers   All   Kind   and   unkind......
Whatever   they   did  , they  walked   with   me  awhile.
And   showed  me  there  paths
I   bless  their  being  and their  teaching.
I   remember   events  and  encounters  along  the way,
Pleasant  or Painful,   Al way  instructive..........
Whatever  happened   it   was  useful,
And    in   its   own  integrity   it   was  beautiful.
I   learned    to   follow   my   own  path
I   bless  the   path  or my  past.
  Holding   my   present  in  my   own  hands,
I   face   my  future   now.
 I  face  a  new   path   every  morning
Everyday   I   step  forward   on   an  unknown  path....
Unique  path   sprinkled   with  God   grace  and  mercy
In  God   presence  past,  present  and   future  ,
are   one  time  , And   I'm   where  I  supposed   to be......
Now   and   always...
My   Path  Is  In  God.
Have a  bless weekend...


Monday, April 16, 2012



By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Have you considered the effect your presence may have on people around you? Do they need you? The answer is yes. We are somewhat selfish with our presence at times. We want to withdraw and think our own thoughts and read quietly rather than entertaining someone or just listening to them. But we never really know how much they need us, not to perform good deeds for their good, but only to be company to share a happening of the day.
Perhaps within their minds we can quiet some restlessness, assure them that they are needed or give them a feeling of tranquility. To many, life is no simple matter, and to hear them out may be the remedy.
It has been said by a very wise man that if you never make a mistake you're not doing anything. 
It is a relief to know that every day, without fail, we come in contact with people who put such confidence in us that we strive ever harder to never fail. Such people build human beings - and there is no job more worthy, or more creative.
Building character and confidence in fellow human beings is a delicate task....for no two people respond in the same way. Challenges may be the way to boost up some individuals, while others may need encouragement and praise to guide them on the way. But, oh, how human we all are, having the need for accomplishment....for attention....for approval.
And how great the responsibility for leaders who must have the wisdom to inspire....the integrity to trust....the heart to understand. The race is hard for leader and follower; for each must understand the other - and there must be compassion for the slow, courage for the weak, and appreciation for the loyal.
To follow one must be secure; to lead one must be very wise. 
It should be the practice of all of us that when we hear something complimentary about someone to tell them. It is so true that man does not live by bread alone, and to be recognized in having something that rated approval is a very great reward.
Nothing so builds character in children than to let them know someone believes they have a fine potential. That feeling that "someone believes in me" can be the very thing that will anchor their faith deep in hope for humanity. 
To be able to see the good acts of others renders service to ourselves. Swiss theologian John Casper Lavater once said, "He is incapable of a truly good actions who finds not a pleasure in contemplating the good actions of others." 
Appreciation for the achievement of others is akin to sunshine - we simply can't help it shine on other people without feeling the glow ourselves."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Starting the day ..."

The man awoke in the morning and recalled a recommendation he had read amessage book. The recommendation was as follows: ¿start the day in light ofprayer. God's love never fails ¿.
So began his prayer by saying: Sir, today, so far, I have behaved well.
I did not speak ill of anyone. Do not get me angry. 
Have not been greedy, grumpy, precipitate orselfish. I'm really pleased with it.
But in a few minutes, sir, I'll get up, and thereafter, probablyI need more help. Thank you.
So it must be our prayer. 
An open dialogue with divinity, exposing theintimacy of his soul.
There is no need for long sentence, word or assayed. 
This is what the soulfeel and leaves overflowing.
A simple request, but deep. 
A request for those who recognize the needbiggest lies in himself, in his moral deficiencies. An examination of conscienceand a cry for help.
The answer is exactly the strength to overcome gradually the difficultiesintimate and go live better every day, winning the peace.
Who is devoted to work, not just watch the defects of others and muchleast commenting on them, peace is sown in the workplace.
Do not get involved in the webs of nervousness, the anxiety, the problems willbeing addressed one by one, as they arise.
Without wishing to have too much, enjoying all the pleasures that the goodsprovide land, man surrenders to the struggles of everyday life, serene and confident.
Not allowing the bad mood for anything, be it a setback intransit, a mechanical defect in the car, an employee who does not meetduties. Thus the creature distributes serenity where you are.
Without precipitation, hears his neighbor to the end before giving answersnot always cater to what the other wants.
Leaving aside the selfishness, the man is happy to share what hasand becomes a friend and helpful.
Share small things, simple as offering a ride to a neighbor,borrow a book, indicate a good read.
Share what detain includes the intrinsic value of being, which hasdo with life and their goals.
So share your certainty of the existence of God, the immortality of thesoul with those who struggle in the world without faith, without direction, without goals.
And keep sure that if you pray to God to help you with, it will be withyou, assisting you in those great little self-conquests daily, onlywill develop into happiness for yourself.
Every day is a special gift that God gives to men.
Every day is so unique, that never repeats. 
Note that the sun breaks through thedarkness of the night, bringing the radiant morning, always with a new color.
The flowers today are not exactly the same today. 
The drops of rain fallingin abundance are not those who have fallen in previous days.
Everything is new every day. 
This is the great message of God to men:renewal of the opportunity to grow, improve and be happy.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

"All this only confirms for us the message of the prophets, the prophetic Word. You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is like a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the light of the morning star shines in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19
Christ is the "morning star" and when He returns He will shine in His full glory. Until that day we have Scripture as a light and the Holy Spirit to illuminte Scripture for us and guide us as we seek the truth.
PRAY- LORD God, we thank You for giving us light here on earth, where it is so often completely dark. But in the darkness the name of Jesus Christ shines out as the prophetic Word: "Be comforted. After darkness comes the light, after night comes day" We thank you for this light and for the experience that Jesus lives and comes to meet each and every one of us each day. In Jesus name, Amen

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Some people sit, some people try;
Some people laugh, some people cry;
Some people will, some people won't;
Some people do, some people don't.

Some people believe, and develop a plan;
Some people doubt, never think that they can;
Some people face hurdles and give it their best;
Some people back down when faced with a test.

Some people complain of their miserable lot;
Some people are thankful for all that they've got;
And when it's all over, when it comes to an end;
Some people lose out, and some people win.

We all have a choice, we all have a say;
We are spectators in life, or we get in and play;
Whichever we choose, how we handle life's game;
The choices are ours, no one else is to blame.


Monday, April 9, 2012


Today is a great day to be alive. 
The world is filled with positive possibilities, and those 
possibilities grow more numberous with each passing moment.

Sure, there are challenges and disappointements and furstrations.
and within those chanllenges, within those disappointements, are
some of the greatest possibilities.

Today is agreat day to be alive because today you can make
things happen. you can set a goal, chart a course, take stock of
situation and use it to creat  new value.

Pay no attention to those who clain to know how things will be.
Your future is your to detemine, and this is the day to make it great.

You don't need anyone's permission to live with joy and fulfilment. 
you don't need to aith for certain circumstances to line up in a specific way.

For today is a great day to be alive. to be productive, 
to Be effective and to fulfill your best possibilites.
and now this moment is the moment to enthusisticlly get
busy making it all happen.

~Ralph Marston~

Sunday, April 8, 2012

 April 8, 2012
Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.
Alleluia !

This is the day the LORD hath make let us rejoice and be glad in it.
The Christian faith recognizes the reality of new life at any moment. Death, the most poweful of foes, is overtaken by the resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit breaks into the seeking life and sets it free to realize its full potential. Empty tombs and open doors are the joyous daily experience of the followers of Jesus.

Acts 10:34-43
1 Cor. 15:1-11
John 20:1-18
Psalm 118:14-24After the long, dark weekend, Mary Magdalene left early Sunday morning to go out to Jesus' tomb. Already filled with grief and sorrow she saw the tomb broken open and Jesus' body missing.
She ran to tell the disciples someone had stolen His body. Peter and John ran out to investigate, then went back into hiding to consider what they had seen. Mary stayed behind at the tomb, overwhelmed with sorrow.

Have you ever stood at a graveside totally lost and immersed in unspeakable grief? Imagine Mary's pain, totally shattered by the brutal murder of her Lord.

But Jesus had already told His disciples how the story would end. This was a day of joy and victory; it was not a day of grief and loss. And so Jesus came up to her and at the sound of her name on His lips, the light burst forth and scattered the darkness of Mary's grief.
When we stand by a loved one's grave, this is a moment to remember. On the Last Day our loved ones who are now separated from us, hidden in the darkness of the grave will stand before us shining. Their voices that are now still in death will be music in our ears once again when the Light comes to raise the dead and vanquish the darkness forever.

We will see Jesus with our own eyes just as Mary did on that great day of resurrection. And we will shine in that glorious light forever and ever.

THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You for bursting out of the tomb on this glorious day, revealing our future and that of our loved ones who have died in faith. Give us joy, courage and hope as we await that glorious day of Your return, and help us share it with all. We pray in Your holy Name. Amen.
A wonderful joy is now flooding my heart,
Giving assurance that will not depart.
My Savior is living and reigning above;
Life has rich meaning because of His love.