Saturday, July 30, 2011

♥ - The Poem - ♥

I knelt to pray but not for long, 
I had too much to do. 
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
 And jumped up off my knees.
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.

All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.

 No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time,
the time to die
I went before the Lord,
 I came,
I stood with downcast eyes.

For in his hands
God held a book;
It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said
 'Your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down...
But never found time.

When God is about to reposition your life
know that the devil will begin to attack!


We need to be aware of a 
Danger in the acceptance process. 
And the danger is creating 
Our own soap operas.
It is simply not healthy to 
Review our own sad stories again 
And again -- like replaying a very 
Sad day on one of the soaps.
When we dwell too long on the
"sad things"
we relinquish to them a power 
They were never meant to have: 
The power to keep our mental controls 
On the same channel in our minds.
I have learned that I don't 
Want to give that kind of power to 
Things I have no control over.
Instead, I need to remind 
Myself that I can choose happiness.
Deciding to move forward and choosing 
Happiness over sorrow is a tough choice.
Sometimes I feel as though I'm fighting 
An uphill battle -- and you will too!

At times we may feel that the dark 
Clouds may never give way to the sunshine.

It is at those very moments that 
We have to remind ourselves of 
The power we do possess.
It is the power of choice.
I have discovered that somewhere 
In the midst of whatever chaos
May surround us we can...
Choose happiness over despair, 
Hope over hopelessness, 
Joy over continual sadness, 
And a smile over a frown.
Practice making this choice by 
Doing things that make you 
Smile, as well as bring joy to others.
When you share kindness it always 
Finds its way back to you.
May your life be filled with much happiness!

~*~ What You Choose ~*~

May this be the day when it all comes together:
*Happiness in your heart
*Serenity in your soul
*Success in all the things you do
*Time enough to reach for your dreams
*Patience to see you through
*Inner beauty
* An open mind
* Days that you find you're feeling wonderful
* Confidence, strong and lasting
* Strength to do what needs to be done
* Believing in tomorrow
*Living in today
* Knowing the right way is the only way
*Clearing out the confusion
* Facing the facts
* Not being afraid
* Never giving up
* Finding hope in hard-to-find places
*Putting smiles on other people's faces
* Knowing when to talk
* And knowing when to listen
* Standing by the truth
* Being firm in your commitments
* Using your insight to set you right
* Going from rock bottom to mountain top
*Learning from mistakes
* Understanding the greatness within
* Looking for the good that is always there
* Sharing the things that need to be shared
* Remembering that it can all be a puzzle
*But solving problems is one of the sweet joys of life
* You can always pick up the pieces
* And you can always make things right.

When you trust your assertiveness, you have the 
Ability to express yourself and the ability to 
Communicate your feelings,  wants and needs.  You are
Less dependent on others and more in control of your 
Own life.
When you assert yourself, you make your own
Choices.  You make room for your confidence to
Explode.  Practice confident assertion by saying,
"Yes" to the things you want to do and, "No" to the 
Things you don't.
Don't be afraid or feel guilty for asserting yourself.
You have nothing to lose.  You will only become
Stronger and more self sufficient, and in turn your 
Self respect and self worth will shine!

Get your bearings
Most of the things that annoy you and frustrate you are not really that important. Step back, get your bearings, and look at the big picture.
Much of what you think you need, you don’t really even want. Imagine being free of all that unnecessary needing.
In every moment, in any situation, you can feel deep and genuine love. You can find spectacular beauty in the smallest, simplest things.
You can experience the joy of being. You can think and act and express your unique vision in countless ways, no matter what the circumstance.
No matter how painful or difficult the moment may be, there is always much to truly treasure. Remember to remember that, and turn your focus toward the treasure, toward the beauty, toward the joy of simply being.
Allow that joy, and notice how much stronger it makes you feel. Whatever else is going on, now is a beautiful time to be alive.
Ralph Marston


Give this one a try. It moves a little slowly, but the 
outcome is something totally surprising. I guarantee 

that if you stay with it, you WILL be surprised.

Turn on Sound...

Click here: Personal photo maker presentation 

xx-- MOWNIN'... -- >>

Friday, July 29, 2011

The  Light  Of  Friendship

I've  seen  the light
And  it's  in  you
In  everything  you are
And   everything  you  do

It's   a perfect  light
That  shines  for all  to  see
It   radiates  from  you
And   has  pierced  the heart  of  me.

The  light  is from a friend
It's   is a light that keep me  wram
It let me know  how loved  I'am 
And  keeps  me  safe  from  harm,

To you  my friend  I'am thankful
In each and every way
For you  lift my spirits  up
With every  passing day.

To know that you are there  for me
It make me feel alive
Because  it's  your friendship ,s  light
Upon  which  my  love thrives.

Thank  is  not  good  enough
But  they  are  the only words I know
It  is  your  light   of  friendship
That   gives  my  world  its  glow

Thank  for sharing  your light  with me
For  it is the simple  things  in  life  that
Are  truly  Unforgettable.